To the National Constitution of
Kappa Kappa Psi
National Honorary Band Fraternity
Be it known that Kappa Kappa Psi,
National Honorary Fraternity for College Bandmembers, is an organization
operating exclusively in the field of the college and university bands for the
following purposes:
- To promote the existence and welfare of
the college and university bands and to cultivate at large a wholesome
respect for their activities and achievements.
- To honor outstanding bandmembers through
privilege of membership extended as a reward for technical achievement and
appreciation for the best in music.
- To stimulate campus leadership and
promulgate an uncompromising respect, through the medium of the college
band, for gracious conduct, good taste, and unswerving loyalty.
- To foster a close relationship between
college bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance
of good music and selection of worthwhile projects.
- To provide a pleasant and helpful social
experience for all engaged in college band work and to cooperate with
other musical organizations in any manner consistent with the purposes of
the institution at which the chapters are located.
1. Organization
and Structure
The name of
this organization shall be Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity
for College and University bandmembers.
The Kappa Kappa Psi-Delta Xi chapter was incorporated under the laws of
the Sovereign State of Kansas as of April 6, 1962.
Kappa Kappa
Psi recognizes Tau Beta Sigma as an equal affiliated organization with a
parallel purpose, function, and role in the college and university band
The Robert’s
Rules of Order, unless otherwise specifically stated in this Constitution,
shall govern the deliberations of all component parts of the Fraternity
assembled in meeting.
The Kappa
Kappa Psi Fraternity expressly prohibits discrimination by any component part
of the Fraternity or by any person acting on behalf of the Fraternity on the
basis of race, national origin, gender, religion, handicap, sexual orientation
or marital status. Rather, it is the policy of this Fraternity to foster a
spirit of mutual understanding and respect among all people, especially those
involved with college and university bands, remembering that music is the
universal language.
The Kappa
Kappa Psi Fraternity neither approves of nor is responsible for actions of
members of local chapters (commonly referred to as “hazing”) which may result
in injury to persons or damage to property. Hazing is defined as any action
taken or situation created, intentionally, to produce mental or physical
discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such actions and situations
include: paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and
psychological shock, scavenger hunts after dark, one-way road trips which leave
an individual to find his/her own return transportation, wearing apparel at any
time or at any location which is not in good taste, required engagement in
public stunts or buffoonery, morally degrading games or humiliating activities,
compulsory consumption of any alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, and
any other activities which are not consistent with the regulations and policies
of the sheltering institution.
the dangers and problems associated with the use and abuse of alcoholic
beverages or controlled substances, Kappa Kappa Psi has adopted a comprehensive
policy addressing alcohol and controlled substances in connection with
fraternity activities and functions.
This chapter
will institute a constitution only if three-fourths of the members vote
favorable upon the content. This
constitution was presented for adoption on April 19, 2012.
Proposed amendments
to the constitution shall be presented orally and in writing at the regular
chapter meeting. If three-fourths (3/4) of the votes cast by the members are
favorable, the proposed amendment shall be declared, adopted, and upon and
after adoption, it shall become operative and effective at the conclusion of
the meeting, unless otherwise noted.
If the
favorable vote on a propose amendment is less than three fourths (3/4), yet
there is a majority vote, the proposed amendment shall be tabled until the next
regularly scheduled meeting. It may be presented in the same manner or modified
without distorting the original theme of the amendment. If the amendment receives the three-fourths
favorable vote it is then instated as discussed in 1.08. If the amendment fails a second time it will
not be proposed for another calendar year.
constitution and approved amendments will be recognized as the governing
document of the Delta Xi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.
2. Officers
2.01 The officers of this chapter shall be: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian, and Alumni Relations Officer
shall be the Executive Council for this chapter.
Other officers can be added as needed as approved by three fourths
(3/4) vote by the chapter.
2.02 The active and associate members of the chapter shall elect
its officers at a regularly scheduled meeting of the chapter held during the
month of April each year, unless delayed by a three-fourths vote of all active
2.03 Each chapter officer shall be an active or associate member
of the Fraternity at the time of election and a regularly enrolled student at
Emporia State University during the term of office. Each officer shall possess
more than ordinary business ability and shall be capable of representing the
chapter under all ordinary conditions. Each officer shall have the best
interests of the Fraternity at heart and shall be willing and able to devote
the necessary time to the execution of the office. The Chapter Sponsor shall
have the authority to exempt any officer from a specific requirement of office.
2.04 Nomination of each office shall be made from the floor of the
meeting, and votes will be cast in a secret ballot, to be tallied by the
current President of the chapter.
2.05 A simple majority of all of votes cast shall be necessary for
2.06 Each chapter officer shall serve for a period of one (1)
year, beginning with the first meeting after elections.
2.07 All chapter officers shall serve without compensation.
2.08 Each officer shall have only one vote at all meetings of the
chapter except the President. The President shall vote only in the case of a
2.09 A member may only serve two terms as chapter President unless
appealed by a three fourths vote of the active members of the chapter.
2.1 Executive
2.11 The purpose of the Executive
council shall be the planning and legislative body. It shall fulfill and
enforce the policies enacted by the Fraternity and chapter. It will have the
power to deal with grievances and resolution in accordance with Fraternity and
chapter policies. If
an executive officer is going to miss meeting, they must inform another member
of the Executive Council.
2.12 The President shall preside
at all meetings of the chapter and shall be a member ex office of all chapter
committees. The President shall sign for all monies disbursed and shall sign
all contracts and other instruments of business involving the chapter. The
President shall be designed as the official representative of the chapter
whenever such representation shall be required and shall prepare and send all
reports to the National Headquarters of the Fraternity. The President shall be responsible for
implementing legislation enacted by the Fraternity and the chapter and have the
power to call emergency meetings when necessary. The President shall also turn
in an officer update sheet to Associated Student Government Senate Operations
Committee Chair after each election.
2.13 The Vice President shall, in
the absence of the President, preside at meetings of the chapter and shall
advance the purposes of the Fraternity as stated in the Preamble of this
constitution by promoting the work of the chapter as performed by its several officers
and committees. The Vice President shall be responsible for the educating,
training, and initiation of all members, unless another officer has been
elected to that duty. The Vice President shall oversee the committees appointed
by the president. On a weekly basis, the Vice President shall check for,
remove, and properly distribute the contents of the chapter mailboxes located
in the Memorial Union Center for Student Involvement and the Emporia State
University Music Office.
2.14 The Secretary shall record
the minutes of all meetings of the chapter and shall sign all contracts and
other instruments of business incurred by the chapter. The Secretary shall
maintain a permanent record of each member of the chapter including name,
address, telephone number, chapter roster number, and instrument played. In
addition, the Secretary shall be responsible for all chapter correspondence to
National Headquarters, other chapters, individuals, Emporia State University,
2.15 The Treasurer shall control the receipts and disbursements of
all monies of the chapter, and shall submit recommendations concerning the
financial policies of the chapter as may be required. The Treasurer shall sign
all checks for monies disbursed and shall prepare and be responsible for keeping
records of all chapter finances. The Treasurer shall prepare and send all
required reports of the chapter finances to the National Executive Secretary
and for collecting annual dues from each member.
2.16 The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining a written
and pictorial record of the activities of the chapter and band. The Historian
shall be responsible for maintaining the chapter scrapbook containing pictures,
awards, etc, and keep both written and visual accounts of all chapter events. The
Historian shall organize chapter files and historical documentation.
2.17 The Alumni Relations Officer shall collect permanent address
information and dispence Life Membership applications to all brothers
graduating or leaving the college or university, and to supply this information
to the National Headquarters. The Alumni Relations Officer shall work with and
promote alumni activities.
2.2 Removal of
2.21 In the event that any officer
does not fulfill their duties as described in the constitution, they may be
removed from office by a three- fourths (3/4) affirmative vote by the active
members of the chapter.
3. Finances
3.01 All monies of the chapter
shall be received and disbursed by the chapter Treasurer. All expenditures
shall be approved by the chapter President and Treasurer. The President’s
signature is required on all expenditures on the budget spread sheet in order
for the president to write any checks.
3.02 All monies of the chapter
must be paid using check or cash. No chapter credit/debit cards can be used to
purchase items in the name of the Fraternity.
3.03 The fiscal year for the
chapter shall be from June 1 to the next succeeding May 31.
3.04 National and chapter dues
shall be collected from each member at the beginning of each fall semester.
3.05 National and chapter dues
shall be submitted by September 30 of each year along with submission of all
appropriate forms. National dues are $85 per year and chapter dues are $25 per
semester for active members. For potential members the dues are $25 for their
first semester. Exceptions for the deadline for dues will be made on an
individual basis with the Treasurer. If the fees are not paid and all forms are
not submitted complete with required signatures, the chapter will go on immediate
probation. Probation will include the immediate suspension of all fraternal
activities. Any chapter not in full standing in thirty (30) days from the due
date will be assessed a surcharge of twenty-five (25) percent of the total
membership sues and chapter fee. Chapters that have not paid by January 1 will
be officially suspended and may have the chapter charter revoked.
3.06 Newly initiated members must
pay the National $95 dues as well as the chapter dues at least 30 days after
initiation. Any late payments will result in late fees set by the national
executive council.
3.07 The finical policies of the
chapter shall be governed by a budget adopted at the beginning of each fiscal
3.08 Income of the chapter shall
be derived from annual dues and fundraising projects conducted by the chapter.
4. Meetings
A regularly scheduled meeting of the chapter shall be held at least once each
month during the regular academic school year. Meetings may be held more frequently
when deemed advisable by the chapter. The exact time of the meetings shall be
determined by the chapter at the beginning of each semester.
Special chapter meetings may be called upon a favorable vote of seventy-five
(75) percent of the active members of the chapter or upon recommendation of the
chapter President and approved by a fifty (50) percent of the chapter officers.
4.03A twenty-four (24) hour notice
prior to the date of all special meetings shall be given to all active members.
4.04 Over fifty (50) percent of all
active members of the chapter together with at least two chapter officers
constitute a quorum at all meetings.
4.05In general, the order of business
for all chapter meetings shall be:
Reading of
Roll Call
Report of
Chapter Officers
Report of
Old Business
New Business
4.06Attendance is
required for all meetings and events. In the event that a member cannot
attended the required activity, they must notify the president or secretary
within 24 hours of the missed event.
4.07If a member
does not notify the president or secretary within 24 hours they must go in
front of the executive council to justify their absence as excused. For every
unexcused absence a member will receive a strike, after three strikes the
member will be placed on probation and loose voting privileges and is not
allowed to attend social events while on probation. To receive active status
and be removed from probationary status, they must attend five (5) consecutive
4.08In the event
that a member of the executive council does not adhere to the attendance
policy, they shall be removed from office and an emergency election shall be
5.01 Chapter Membership shall be
of seven (7) types: Active, Inactive, Conditional, Associate, Honorary, Alumni,
and Life Membership; and shall not be recognized by the chapter until all
initiation fees have been paid and the initiation completed as prescribed by
the ritual.
5.02 An initiated member of Tau
Beta Sigma shall never be granted active status
in Kappa Kappa Psi.
5.03 The opportunity for
prospective membership in the Fraternity may be offered after the second full
week of school, including marching band camp as the first full week. The first official invitations of the fall
semester shall be handed out on September 20, with replies due in writing by
October 1.
5.04 During any official meeting
of the chapter, any active member may suggest a name of a prospective member.
They must be approved by 90 percent of the local active membership in order to
be extended prospective membership.
Potential members will be chosen upon their reflection of cooperation, leadership,
dependability, reflects our purposes, punctuality, musicianship, dedication, and
being a hard worker.
5.06 Prospective members must be
enrolled in at least one instrumental ensemble during the school year and must
not be a member of any other band service fraternity. They must possess
unusually good characteristics in the areas of musicianship, leadership,
responsibility, and social skills.
5.07 Eligible individuals shall
permitted entry into the Membership Education Program at the request of any
active or associate member of the Fraternity. A negative vote of twenty-five
(25) percent or five (5) members, which ever is greater, of the eligible active
and associate membership shall be required to prevent a person from entering
the Fraternity. If a person is rejected on a second ballot in the same meeting,
the name shall not be proposed again during the academic year.
5.08 Prior to initiation, the membership
candidate must receive a favorable vote of seventy-five (75) percent of the
eligible voting membership and pay an initiation fee and the year’s dues as
determined by the National Chapter (refundable if not initiated) to the Chapter
Treasurer who shall forward it immediately to the National Headquarters. The
candidate shall not be considered initiated until said name has been recorded
in the Master Chapter Roster at the National Headquarters. Any chapter that
submits information for initiates later than thirty (30) days will be assessed
a late reporting free of an additional twenty-five (25) percent of the total
number of initiates submitted.
5.09 Prospective members shall
attain active status after completing the Membership Education Program (MEP) to
the satisfaction of the Membership Educator and Vice-President, participating
in the three degrees of ritual, and paying their national dues to the National
Executive-Secretary. The Membership
Educator shall ensure that education session scheduling and the length of time
taken to accomplish the MEP is reasonable for all Prospective Members.
5.10 Active and associate members
of the Fraternity shall be registered students and members of the college or
university band program who have been formally initiated after the completion
of the Membership Education Program of the Fraternity. All annual dues and fees
must be paid up to date to maintain active and associate membership in the
5.11 It shall be the duty of each
active and associate member to attend all meetings of the chapter, to pay
promptly all financial obligations to both the chapter and the Fraternity; to
become acquainted with the National Constitution, District Constitution, and
local constitution and the history of Kappa Kappa Psi; and to support the
efforts and purposes of the chapter and Fraternity.
Any member of any Kappa Kappa Psi chapter who has recently been an active member
of that chapter is, upon transferring to another school, eligible to become an
active member at the chapter of that school. Active membership will be granted
to the member upon enrollment in the band program at the new school and the
fulfillment of all financial obligations.
Associate membership is available to any active member in good standing of Tau
Beta Sigma who transfers to another school with only a Kappa Kappa Psi chapter.
The student may request associate status with the Kappa Kappa Psi chapter. To
be eligible to request associate status, the student shall be enrolled in the
band program. Following such a request, the student shall complete an
orientation program not to exceed thirty (30) days, during which time the
chapter will assist the student in becoming familiar with the principles,
purposes, and policies of Kappa Kappa Psi and the operations of the local
chapter. Upon the successful completion of the orientation program and approval
of the chapter sponsor, the chapter shall vote on the request for associate
status. The student must receive a favorable vote of seventy-five (75) percent
of the eligible voting membership and pay the year’s national dues as
determined by the National Chapter (refundable if not initiated) to the Chapter
Treasurer who shall forward it immediately to the National Headquarters.
Conditional status in the Fraternity may be requested by an active or associate
member when that member cannot, without undue hardship, continue to meet the
requirements for active or associate status, respectively. The request shall be
in writing and shall state the specific reasons for requesting conditional
status. To become effective, the member shall have paid national member dues
for the current academic year. The request shall be approved by a majority vote
of the chapter, with approval of the Sponsor/Director of Bands. Conditional
status shall not be maintained for more than one (1) year. After one (1) year,
a request must be submitted to maintain Conditional status.
Conditional members may, at the discretion of the local chapter, attend Chapter
meetings, District and National Conventions and events, participate in Ritual,
participate in chapter fundraisers and service projects and attend chapter
social functions. Conditional members shall not hold office, propose candidates
for membership, introduce business, vote on any matters, or act in the capacity
of a big brother.
Former active or associate members who are enrolled in school but do not pay
member dues shall be classified as inactive members. Inactive members have no
privileges of Fraternity membership. Inactive members may not participate in
any Fraternity business, projects, or activities. To obtain privileges of
membership, said member must request, in writing, reinstatement by the chapter
from which the member became inactive. Upon review of the inactive member’s
written request, the inactive member must receive a favorable vote of
seventy-five (75) percent of the eligible voting membership, the approval of
the chapter sponsor, and payment of all financial obligations to both the
chapter and the Fraternity in order to be granted privileges of membership.
Alumni members of the Fraternity shall be those Active, Associate or Conditional
members of the Fraternity who have completed their education or who have
terminated their affiliation with their college or university. Any alumni
member shall have all privileges of an active or associate member, except those
of voting and introducing business. In the event an alumni member wishes to
reactivate with the respective chapter, said alumnus must be registered as a
student, be an active member of the institution’s band, and meet requirements as
an active or associate member of the local chapter.
Any alumni member upon payment of a Life
Membership contribution, the amount to be set by the National Chapter, along
with an application to the National Headquarters, shall be entitled to Life
Membership privileges and may, if desired, subscribe to The PODIUM.
Honorary members of the Fraternity shall possess the same general
qualifications as active or associate members except that they shall not necessarily
be regularly enrolled in the college or university where the chapter is located
nor possess any qualifications as musicians. They shall be generally recognized
as outstanding in their field of endeavor or shall have performed outstanding
service for the college or university band or Fraternity.
Upon due cause, a member of the Fraternity may be placed on probation following
a favorable vote on the motion of seventy-five (75) percent of the chapter’s
eligible voting membership and approval by the chapter sponsor.
A member placed on probation shall be informed, in writing, of the following:
the reasons for probation; a specified time period in which to make restitution;
and the obligations needed to be fulfilled within that time period. Fulfillment
of all obligations within the specified time period shall return said member to
previous membership status. Fulfillment of all obligations shall be approved by
the chapter and sponsor. Failure to complete all obligations is just cause for
either an extension of the probationary term or for the initiation of suspension
Upon due cause, a member of the Fraternity may be suspended following a favorable
vote of seventy-five (75) percent of the chapter’s eligible voting membership
and approval from the chapter sponsor. Suspended members may not participate in
any Fraternity business, projects, or activities.
A member placed on suspension shall be informed, in writing, of the following:
the reasons for suspension; a specified time period in which to make
restitution; and the obligations needed to be fulfilled within that time
period. Fulfillment of all obligations within the specified time period shall
return said member to previous membership status.
Upon due cause, a member of the Fraternity may be expelled following a
favorable vote of seventy-five (75) percent of the chapter’s eligible voting
membership and approval of the chapter sponsor. Such expulsion must conform to
the rules and regulations of the local institution involved. The member will be
given a hearing before the said motion is voted on. The vote will be a secret
ballot, and the member will be informed of the vote totals. Having been
expelled, the member shall return to the chapter all regalia and property of
the Fraternity being held, and the name shall be stricken from the Master Chapter
Roster at the National Headquarters.
Delegates and Proxies
6.01 Each active chapter of the Fraternity shall be represented at
each District and National Chapter Convention by a delegate, alternate
delegate, or proxy. Each delegate, alternate delegate or member acting as a
proxy for an absent chapter shall have a current Active or Associate membership
card, a Life Membership card, or be vouched for properly. Each delegate or
proxy will be officially seated when all National or District registration
procedures have been completed.
6.02 The active and associate members of a chapter shall elect its
delegates at a regularly called meeting of the chapter. Each chapter delegate
shall be an Active, Associate or Life Member of the Fraternity at the time of
6.03 Each delegate and the alternate delegates of a chapter shall
have an official statement signed by the local president and sponsor to the effect
that they have been duly elected by their chapter.
6.04 Each official delegate, alternate delegate, or proxy (when
officially seated at a District or National Convention) shall have one (1) vote
at the Convention. Each official delegate or proxy shall serve for the duration
of the Convention to which appointed.
6.05 The election of chapter delegates to the District Convention
shall be held at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the
Convention. The election of chapter delegates to the National Chapter Convention
shall be held at least sixty (60) days prior to the opening date of the
6.06 Chapter delegates shall serve without compensation. Expenses
of chapter delegates, when authorized by the chapter, shall be paid by the
chapter upon presentation of a written statement approved by the Chapter
President and Treasurer.
7.01 Committees of the chapter
shall be determined as required by the chapter and all committees shall be
appointed by the Chapter President. The President cannot be the chair of any
7.02 The chapter will have
standing committees of membership, service, ways and means, bylaws, and social.
7.03 The membership committee will
be responsible for recruitment, education, and retention. The Vice-president will be the chair of this
7.04 The service committee will be
responsible for brain-storming and organizing projects with service to the
music community. Any member may be the chair of this committee.
7.05 The Ways and Means committee
will be responsible for organizing fundraising projects and allocations of the
chapter’s funds to all areas of chapter function. The treasurer will be chairman of this
committee. They must also maintain an
up-to-date budget.
7.06 The Bylaws committee will be
responsible for updating and maintaining our local constitution as well as
updating the bylaws. Anyone can be the chair of this committee.
7.07 The social committee is
responsible for creating and coordinating opportunities for the chapter to
strengthen the brotherhood bond between members and also activities for members
of the band community as a whole. Anyone
can be the chair of this committee.
7.08 In committees in which a
chair is not designated previously in the constitution, an election will take
place in the first committee meeting for the chair. A simple majority is all that is required to
win the position of chair. Candidates
must be nominated and accept nomination before voting.
7.09 All committee chairs must
present a report of committee activities at the regular chapter meetings.
7.10 Ad Hoc committees will be
temporarily created to fulfill current needs of the chapter. The Ad Hoc committee will follow the guidelines
set forth in sections 7.01, 7.08, and 7.09.
7.11 Ad Hoc committees will be
created and disbanded at the discretion of the executive council.
8. Reports
8.01 All reports of the chapter
shall be submitted to the National Headquarters in writing by December 1 and
June 1 to the National Headquarters on forms prescribed by the National
9. Revisions
Revisions to this constitution shall be considered and voted upon by April 30
of each year.
9.02 The date of each revision shall
be recorded in section 9.04 of this constitution.
9.03 All previous constitutions
shall be maintained in the chapter’s files on premises.
9.04 Revised constitution accepted
April 19th, 2012.