D. X. Goose
The legend began sometime in 1990 or 1991. The chapters numbers were down, almost to the point of being nonexistent
. . . extinct if you will. The brothers were trying to build a new momentum and attitude of rebirth to the chapter. And so
it was with great zeal that the search for a chapter mascot began.
Of course no ordinary mascot would do, the brothers of Delta Xi were looking for something that would stand out
as a mascot unlike any other. . . . the quest for a dinosaur.
At this point and time, the actual legend is somewhat clouded in mystery. Rumors and accusations have to be sorted
out before the true story can be printed here.
More to the point, the brothers found a T-Rex named D.X. Goose, who was found most worthy of leading a new spirit
amongst the members of the chapter. He is actually a rare breed of T-Rex known as a Delta Xaur. And his spirit and the spirit
of his fellow brothers helped the chapter to rebuild. It was in this initial rebuilding period that the chapter adopted the
motto of . . .
. . . We're Not Dead Yet
Much like the legendary Delta Xaur, the chapter had been to the brink of extinction, only to grow strong again. Ducky
was brought in so Goose could have a well deserved siesta. He still comes out for important things like initiations, and conventions
of course. For now, Ducky does all the hard work such as going to football games, chapter events and sometimes even meetings.
Unlike Goose, Ducky was made for Delta Xi by brother Alex Nelson while on a visit to Legends Mall in KC. Her full name is
Delta Xanthe which means Change (because she is a major change for the chapter) and Gold (because that is the color of her).
More so cute than ferocious Ducky is doing a fantastic job and has already been to her first district convention and initiation.
Pictures of both Goose and Ducky can be found on the facebook page. Goose now has
a Facebook fan page!! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=110549858984467&ref=ts
More pictures of Goose